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Livre Ser

TabuTabu's first program, Livre Ser (which has a double meaning of "Being Free" and "A Free Being" in Portuguese), was implemented in collaboration with Há Esperança (There is Hope) and provides safe spaces to explore sexuality-related topics in the form of “conversation circles” for youth aged 12-18.


Brazil has the highest murder rate of trans people worldwide, ranks fourth in number of child marriages, fifth in terms of femicide rate, and is among the top ten countries with the highest prevalence of teenage pregnancy in the world.

11.4 million people live in Brazilian favelas, which are known for their dense population, poor housing conditions and high gang activity. Favela children attend public school, if at all, where sexuality education officially only covers prevention of STD/HIV/AIDS and early pregnancy, and is not rigorously implemented.

Program Summary

Livre Ser addresses the sexual and reproductive health and rights issues that emerged as priorities in community-based research (interviews, focus groups, and polls conducted with adolescents, parents, and NGO staff). These were found to be:

  • Adolescent relationships

  • Pregnancy during adolescence

  • Sexual abuse and violence

  • LGBTQI+ sensitization

Impact Model

Impact Partner

Há Esperança is a grassroots NGO based in the favela (shanty town) community of Favelinha, in the northern periphery of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, offering alphabetization and educational support as well as extracurricular programming for local children and youth.

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