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Reglas y Copas

Reglas y Copas is a menstrual education workshop for menstruators in El Porvenir, rural Honduras, which was developed with and for our impact partner Honduras Child Alliance (HCA). The workshop is co-facilitated by TabuTabu staff and HCA educators, and addresses the biology of menstruation, the cultural shame and stigmas, as well as the internalized beliefs around periods, building participants’ self-understanding and confidence.


El Porvenir is a coastal town in rural Honduras, which is one of the seven countries in Central America. According to recent estimates, almost three-fourths of the population live in poverty, and over half of the households in extreme poverty; many Honduras do not have access to basic healthcare or an education.


Honduras Child Alliance is an NGO offering community-based educational programs in the rural beach town El Porvenir. Since 2021, we partner with them to integrate age-appropriate sexuality education activities into their ongoing programming. When Saalt turned to HCA to trial the use of menstrual cups with menstruators in El Porvenir as part of their own Impact initiatives, HCA reached out to us to develop a preparatory workshop that would make trial participants more receptive to this menstrual hygiene product.

Workshop Summary

Reglas y Copas provides comprehensive menstrual education and an opportunity for participants to reflect on internalized beliefs and attitudes around menstruation ahead of their receiving menstrual cups. The workshop covers:

  1. Overview of menstruation and menstruators

  2. Connotations of menstruation in society

  3. The four phases of the menstrual cycle, and the changes that the body goes through

  4. The importance of menstrual hygiene

  5. Menstrual hygiene product options

  6. The hymen, and the social construct of virginity

  7. Sharing experiences of using menstrual hygiene products

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Impact Model

Project Partners

Menstrual education workshop co-facilitators (with TabuTabu):

Menstrual cup workshop facilitators & cup donors:

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